The home garden has always interested me. Even from a child when my Dad gave me a plot of land, a spade and some seeds, the desire to create something; watch the seeds grow into little seedlings and then fully gown plants and then be able to eat the benefits has always been there. It certainly gives you a sense of satisfaction.
You will want to grow organic vegetables so you must start with healthy soil. Use some organic matter such as compost and manure and work into the soil. This can be bought in bulk, by the bag or you can be creative and build your own compost pile by selecting an area of the garden where green and brown matter can decompose. Prepare your soil by digging in the compost and manure and then layering mulch over the top which will help to prevent weeds germinating.
Once you have planted out your seeds or seedlings into the garden plot, use an organic fertiliser such as horse or chicken poo which will help the plants grow faster. Seedlings should be strong and not droopy and their leaves bright and green and not yellow. If you buy trays of seedlings from your local garden centre, make sure they have strong white roots and are not yellow and decaying.
On a daily basis pick up dead leaves from your garden and throw them in the bin. You will also want to remove the weeds that will pop up through out your garden. Weeds should be removed regularly as they like to suck the water and the nutrients from the soil. Watering your plants from overhead can encourage the growth of mildew. You may wish to use a hose or soaker that runs through the garden at ground level.
Happy gardening! :)